Monday, October 30, 2006

Building Conservation Portal (Beta)

Just to let you know of my latest escapade online - fotofacade's Building Conservation Portal (beta) - for images, commentary and links for the historic environment. It's in beta format at the moment - but there's tonnes of free information and advice including a whole raft of themed images on building conservation to view for free. I'm adding links daily as I come across them including fresh image content as its taken.

It has been built on the remarkable web 2.0 protopage platform - thanks to them for a great idea. This gives the pages flexibility for the user - ie in moving stuff around to suit you. Go to my site and try it!

For the future I'm going to add themed pages e.g the use of lime in conservation etc.

If your a conservation officer, architect or surveyor - or indeed a homeowner with a project - then this site is ideal. It also includes links to my account for conservation. Photo editors with projects about the historic environment can find stock photography to suit most situations.

Here's a brief example of links to images you can find on the site

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